
Plans and Pricing

Ready Agent for Agent is $293.99 per year. If you choose to purchase monthly subscription, the cost is $34.99.

Aside from the app subscription, Ready Agent for Agent offers different Marketing Premium Add-ons that Ready Agents can leverage to help them build brand awareness. Listed below are the premium add-ons and their respective prices:

Premium Placement

Monthly Quarterly Annually
$10.00 $23.99 (20%) $63.99 (30%)

Email Marketing

Monthly Quarterly Annually
1-500 $24.99 $67.5 $240.00
501-1000 $29.99 $81.00 $270.00
1001-2000 $34.99 $84.00 &294.00

Ads Banner

7 Days 14 Days Monthly Quarterly Annually
1 Design Template $6.99 $13.99 $29.99 $81.00 $288.00

Video Advertisement

Monthly Quarterly Yearly
$20.00 $48.00 $168.00

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